Critically Concerned
Critical Trials
Critical Trials Ep 13

Critical Trials Ep 13

Productivity vs Critically Concerning: Almost Origin Story
Cross-post from Critically Concerned
Omg an honor -

What can I say about productivity? Many people have told me that even though I write a lot about hustle culture being a sham, my days are usually packed with work. I take that as an insult. My definition of hustle culture usually means doing something morbid for future gains. None of my “work” through the day usually gives me any gain except for a heightened god complex.

Producitivity on the other hand should just get a different meaning in general. Doing anything that gives you even an ounce of joy is productive. Or not even joy, pat yourself on the back for having one coherent thought.

Ishan’s blog, The Sigh, is definitely interesting. While I tell you that it’s okay to do nothing, he tells you how to get away with doing something by doing the minimum. Surprisingly, we both had a newsletter together. How that survived is a miracle.

He does mention how sometimes some actions need to be done to get something beneficial in the future. I don’t know how to feel about that because delayed gratification is only good in some contexts and hoping for success on a later date doesn’t make the cut for me.

But on the other hand, I love how hopeful this entire topic was. To be honest, I was very scared that it would be technical but you can hear how he isn’t expecting something just because he knows a lot about it. There is a curiosity and I think once you are organised and also striving to do something just for the joy of it, you also get accountable to yourself. You want to do something and you try your best to do it. With the way the world works, time is not in our favour and maybe because of that understanding productivity will end up being more helpful in enjoying life than being successful in it. Don’t hunt me down.


Critically Concerned
Critical Trials
Interviewing people about their most controversial, wackiest thoughts and hoping to analyze everything about life, this podcast is an interview series that will put my guests under the trials of society and life. I am friendly, I promise.
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